Have you ever been in a situation that, when you're in it, it seems hopeless and completely controversial to what God has promised, yet once you're out of the situation you see that really, God was using it all along to get you to where you are now?
One thing I love about God is that He will take you down any path to get you to where He needs you to be.
These last few days I've had this reoccurring thought... "What if I just walked and got myself completely lost? What an adventure it would be to find my way back again." I kept pushing this thought to the back of my mind thinking nothing of it but then I came across one of these life quote picture things and it gave my weird thought a bit of a meaning.
"Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself."
It's so true that when you're put into the unknown and sometimes the uncomfortable, you discover things about yourself that you never would have discovered had you not gone through it.
I think we sometimes stick to what we know to be comfortable and 'normal' and never explore the rest because we're scared of the weaknesses in us that may show themselves. But Jesus said to Paul "My strength is made perfect in weakness." and then Paul goes on to say that because of this;
"I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then I am strong."
We have a magnet on our fridge that says "A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." Similarly, it is in the unknown, the unfamiliar and in the uncomfortable that we see the strengths and weaknesses in a person. But by Gods grace, we can know strength in our weaknesses because He is our strength.
So why not go and get totally lost, challenge your character, find out who you really are and then let God use every part of that person to bring His Kingdom.