Wednesday, 18 April 2012


These last few days God has been speaking to me about the importance of obtaining a vision. In my last post I wrote about how we need to seek the Kingdom of God first so that what we come across on the way doesn't distract us but instead compels us to keep moving forward.
Since writing it i've started to think about how it can be walked out in my every day life and not just be some far off principle I claim to live by.
In my thinking I've realised that having a vision sets principles, morals and values in my life. If I was without a vision I would settle for anything and everything that came my way, I would give up easily, but having a vision restrains my options to obtain it.

Here's an example to help you understand; say you decide that you want to shed a few pounds. You set yourself a diet plan, you get yourself down the gym. A few days in and you wake up feeling like you've overused every muscle in your body. The only thing that is going to get you back to that gym is the vision of a healthier, skinnier you. Without that vision you will fall straight back into what is comfortable. You'll never get your great body by just not wanting to be fat. It is your vision that gives you the strength to reorder your life to reach your goal.
Vision gives you a standard to live by, vision gives pain a purpose, vision gives you purpose, vision gives you motivation and strength to persevere to do whatever you have to do to get it.

I've been reading a book by Kris Vallotton who says "One of the greatest decisions we have to make concerning our vision is how we envision ourselves." and I couldn't agree more. How we envision ourselves will determine our actions, our reactions, our behaviour and our attitude. I've been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster lately and reading this has challenged me to think about how I see myself because if I had truly decided who I am then my emotions and attitude wouldn't be determind by my situation but instead they would be determind out of who I am. If we lack vision for ourselves then we begin to let others tell us who we are and we will find ourselves being whatever others need us to be and start to rely on them for our strength and self-worth. 

But the great thing is, we have the choice to either live in bondage to our emotions, other people, our physical impulses and our circumstances or we can choose to live as free people because we have set a vision for our lives. We have to choose to take responsibility to know ourselves, to live with intergrity by training ourselves to live in accordance with the vision we have set.

So instead of acting out of how you feel or how others say you should feel, act out of who you envision yourself to be and let your vision for tomorrow determine your decisions today.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Step by step.

Have you ever got to that point where you feel like you're at the cliff edge and the only thing left to do is jump, to take that big step of faith because you don't know the outcome you just know that you can either jump or turn back?
Ever wondered how you can get to that point of trusting God so much that that leap of faith seems like a simple step? Impossible? Hmm.
Take the girl in the picture for example. She didn't just appear at that cliff edge, there was a journey that got her there. She had to take a number of steps before reaching that point where she had to jump.
I'm sure there were parts of her journey where she had lots of people around her, where there were road signs showing her the way, where there were distractions on the side of the road. I'm sure she could have been happy spending more time with those people she met or she could have brought them along with her to see the view at the cliff edge (from a safe distance). Or she could have followed the road signs and stuck to the road. Or she may have even found a great bar or church or bingo club where she could have happily been a local. These are all great if your goal is to have great friends around you all the time or to have control or be comfortable.
However, in the grand scheme of things, it's not enough to just have great friends. Its not enough to know where your life is heading. Its not even enough to strive to be an active member of the community. Eventually, they will all fall short.
This girl had her sight set on the Kingdom. Even in the simple steps of every day life her eyes were fixed on eternity so that when people fell short of her expecations she didn't lose hope, when there was no road sign to follow she didn't worry, and when she got to the edge of the cliff it was an easy step to take because she wasn't looking down to monitor her next step, her eyes were fixed on things above, where Jesus is sat at the right hand of God with all things under His feet. She had learnt to trust in God and seek first His Kingdom in the little steps she took so that when it was time for her to leap it was as natural as taking just another step.

Stop seeking friendships & relationships. Stop seeking a job or successful career. Stop seeking the answers to all of your questions. Don't even seek a happy Christian life.
"Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." [Matthew 6:33] 
We've got it good.