Saturday, 5 March 2011

Generation Advancing.

Its so exciting to see a generation of young men and women stepping into their true identity, taking hold of whats theres and advancing the Kingdom of God! A generation that were born for such a time as this!
I've only just left youth and already I can see people younger than me overtaking me. This is a generation thats going to surpass any other generation and take the world for Jesus!

"The devil tries to rob us of our identities because he knows that the moment we know who we are, we're unstoppable."

 I can't remember who I got this quote from but it's always stuck with me because it's SO true! Knowing who we are is so important. In Cardiff church they have a phrase; "Its who we are, its what we do." What you do in life is a result of who you are and when you're a child of God life is all the more exciting! So I thought I would put out a list of who God says we are. Maybe after reading it you'll understand why we're "unstoppable" and why the devil has nothing on us.

God has a plan for my life - Jeremiah 29:11
God chose me to be fruitful for Him – John 15:16
Everything – even disaster – can work for good – Romans 8:28
God will guide my steps if I surrender to Him – Proverbs 3:6
God has promised to speak to me – John 10:27
The Holy Spirit will guide me and show me God’s will - John16:13-15
God has promised to complete His plan for my life – Philippians 1:6
I am to be salt on the earth - Mt 5:13
I am to be light in the world - Mt 5:14
I have been given the mind of Christ - 1 Cor 2:16
I'm chosen and appointed to bear fruit - Jn 15:16
I have been crucified with Christ - Gal 2:20
I am called to do the works of Christ - Jn 14:12
I am a new creation - 2 Cor 5:17
I am to do what Christ commanded His disciples - Mt 28:20
I have been made alive with Christ - Eph 2:5
I have been given spiritual authority - Lk 10:19
I am God's workmanship - Eph 2:10
Signs should accompany my work - Mk 16:17-20
I have received fullness in Christ - Col 2:10
I am a minister of a new covenant - 2 Cor 3:6
I am a minister of reconciliation - 2 Cor 5:18,19
I am to be an expression of life in Christ - Col 3:4
I am connected to the true vine - Jn 15:1,5
I am a partaker of a heavenly calling - Heb 3:1
I'm a willing slave of righeousness - Rom 6:18,22
I am a temple of God - 1 Cor 3:16; 6:19
I am one spirit with the Lord - 1 Cor 6:17
I am a member of Christ's body - 1 Cor 12:27

...yeah. and this is only a taster. Read the bible for yourself, there's plenty more in there! We really are the greatest people in the world. If you've made Jesus Lord of your life then this is all about you!

and it's all to glorify God!
Did you know that when God created the earth and everything in it He said it was "good". But when he created man He said it was "very good!" This amazes me because when I think of how much the trees and the sun and the moon and stars and the whole of creation magnify God's glory and then God tells me that I am "very good" - it blows my mind! Your life reveals the glory of GOD better than any other creation!

Take hold of these scriptures and make them your own. Speak them to yourself every day and let 'who you are' become 'what you do'.

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