...But if i've learnt anything this week, it's that the love of God doesn't allow us to be passive.
To be passive can be defined as; "Accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance." Passivity is the opposite of activity. It is a lack of feeling and desire...Generally lukewarmness or laziness. This doesn't sound like the God I know.
This week we were told more than once that God loves people and it is because of this that He sent Jesus to the world and it is why Jesus has sent us. It is Gods love for the world that caused Jesus to act. In John 5:19 Jesus says that He only does what He sees His father do. This meant that whenever He saw a need, he was moved into action because the fathers heart is for His people... He loves us and doesnt want to see us in need.
It's encouraged me to spend more time with God because the more time I spend with the father the more His heart will become my heart.
Richard Anniss made the point that it is our relationship with God that sends us. We can't be sent without having a relationship and we can't have the relationship without being sent. They come hand in hand, you can't have one without the other. Our relationship with God is what sends us to the need in the world. The need may have been right infront of us the whole time but because we have spent more time with Him, we have become more like Him and where we may have ignored the need before, for whatever reason, we now see the need and want to see Gods love come through because we are moved by Gods heart.
It reminded me of something I read in one of Joyce Meyers books. She was referring to Christians who are so ruled by their emotions that an absence of feeling stops them from doing what they've been taught to do. She said "They praise if they feel like it, give if they feel like it, keep their word if they feel like it - and if they don't feel like it, they don't." This is exactly what I mean by 'passive'. God doesn't just love if he 'feels like it'. God IS love - it's impossible for Him to do anything outside of love. Which is why it is so important for us to live by the Spirit and not by our emotions because to love people as God does is impossible for us to do in our own strength. We'll find ourselves getting burnt out and giving up. But when we "Let go and let God" it is no longer us trying to love, but it is God's love through us and it is God's love that will impact this world.
Gods love isn't passive. It is furious and it will be shown through us.
"Its not about what people think of me, it's about what Jesus thinks of them... and He loves them." Arne Skagen
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