I'm going to be honest... lately I feel like I've somehow forgotten my reason for getting up everyday.
That isn't to say that I've lost the will to live or I'm not enjoying life.
I am.
I recently got married to my best friend, we have set up our own home and every day has been an adventure.
But somehow I feel like I've lost sight of the main purpose.
I've been asking myself what's missing and always coming to the conclusion that I've neglected my relationship with God.
I don't make time to read my bible and then wonder why negative and bitter things come out of my mouth when faced with something that knocks me.
I don't pray as much or as promptly as I should and then wonder how doubt and uncertainty has creeped in.
But mostly, I forget to involve God in my day-to-day... I somehow turned into the Sunday meeting attender that I have been forever warned against. Doing things out of routine and religion instead of desire and relationship.
God understands that life gets busy.
He understands everything we go through and the priorities we need to make in life.
But I'm beginning to understand that my number 1 priority has to be Jesus.
Yes, I have uni assignments, I have to work, and I now have a house to run and a husband to love, but without Jesus none of that matters.
I know there are going to be many times in my life where I am going to have to be reminded of this but that is where I rely on and am thankful for Gods grace.
God reminded me of something this weekend when watching a movie. Densel Washington was in a helicopter about to be taken into a hostile situation and the guy sitting with him said something along the lines of
"isn't it great seeing things from this perspective;
it reminds you of what you're fighting for."
It reminded me of the importance of seeing things from a heavenly perspective, Gods perspective.
It is when we live from this perspective that we can face the day with purpose, knowing what we're fighting for.
I don't want to just 'fight' for a peaceful or even an adventurous life. Without God it's a losing battle.
Instead I will fix my eyes on Jesus and take my place with Him at the right hand of God. I will let this heavenly perspective be my reality by filling myself with Gods living, breathing word and making him my NO.1 priority.
2 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV), “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
You are such a blessing! I totally relate to this and this is also my experience of late. Thank you! love u loads.